MATB44H3 - Differential Equations I - Fall 2019


Preliminary Course Outline (subject to revision)

  1. MAT B44 Introduction
  2. First-order ODEs
    (Teschl 1.3-1.6)
  3. Linear first order ODEs (and integrating factors)
    (Tenenbaum Lessons 10-11)
  4. Second-order ODEs (note that while the books do not always specialize from nth to 2nd order, we shall)
  5. Systems of first-order ODEs
  6. Miscellaneous topics (as time permits)

Class calendar and schedule

Lecture 1. Tuesday, September 3

Recommended reading: Teschl 1.1-1.2, Tenenbaum Lessons 1-3
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-03

MATB44 introduction. What is an ordinary differential equation? When are they useful? How do we classify them?

Lecture 2. Thursday, September 5

Recommended reading: Teschl 1.3, Tenenbaum Lesson 4
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-05

The general solution of a differential equation, and first order-autonomous equations. If we have time, we might also start getting into some techniques for explicitly solving ODEs, but this topic will be multiple lectures (Tenenbaum Lessons 6-11, Teschl 1.4).

Lecture 3. Tuesday, September 10

Recommended reading: Online notes from Thursday, September 6, Teschl 1.3, Tenenbaum Lesson 6-9
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Sep-10 (may contain uncorrected typos)
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-10

We are going to review and finish the general solution for first-order autonomous equations; i.e. the long complicated proof from Sep 6. Then, now that we will have seen at least one example of how to prove our solution, we will give heuristics for explicitly solving ODEs. We will start with separable equations, which are similar to first-order autonomous equations in how they're solved. Given enough time, we will also cover ODEs with homogeneous coefficients, ODEs with linear coefficients, and exact ODEs.

Extra resource on proof writing

For those without much experience writing mathematical proofs, here's an excellent introduction by Dr. Eugenia Cheng on how to write a mathematical proof.

Lecture 4. Thursday, September 12

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lessons 9-12, Tenenbaum Lesson 5, Teschl 1.5-1.6
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Sep-12 (may contain uncorrected typos)
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-12

Exact differentials, integrating factors, linear differential equations of order 1, and other misc. methods. If we have time, we might also get into graphical/qualitative methods.

Lecture 5. Tuesday, September 17

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lesson 5, Tesch 1.5-1.6
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Sep-17 (may contain uncorrected typos)
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-17

More on exact differentials and integrating factors. We'll also go over again how to check a given solution to an ODE. Futhermore, we will begin looking at graphical/qualitative methods.

Lecture 6. Thursday, September 19

Recommended reading: Teschl 2.1-2.2
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Sep-19 (may contain uncorrected typos)
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-19

Fixed point theorems and the basic existence/uniqueness result. This will be a proof-heavy topic.

Problem set 1. Due date: September 20

You can download a recommended LaTeX template, which will generate PDFs like this. If you are new to LaTeX, you may wish to look at Overleaf and their online introduction. We strongly recommend you learn LaTeX and typeset your problem sets, as LaTeX is a useful skill to learn, but you may also neatly write your problem sets and scan them to upload into Quercus.

Optional bonus problems

Lecture 7. Tuesday, September 24

Recommended reading: Teschl 2.1-2.2, Tenenbaum Lessons 57-58
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Sep-24 (may contain uncorrected typos)
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-24

Continuation of fixed point theorems and the basic existence/uniqueness result. We will cover in depth contractions and Picard iteration.

Lecture 7. Thursday, September 26

Recommended reading: Teschl 2.1-2.2, Tenenbaum Lessons 57-58
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Sep-26 (may contain uncorrected typos)
PDF of notes from 2019-Sep-26

Continuation of fixed point theorems and the basic existence/uniqueness result. (It's an important proof!)

Mastery Quiz "Set1". Due date: September 29

This is available through Quercus → Assignments → Mastery quizzes - WebWork. It will open up in a new browser window, and you'll be able to "Take Set1 test".

As mentioned in the syllabus, you may repeat the test as many time as you wish before the September 29 deadline. However, the test will randomize some of the questions. As you are allowed infinite retries, we expect you to get a perfect score on the mastery quiz. If you do not successfully answer all questions, we will not give you credit for the quiz, so be sure to retry it until you do.

Lecture 8. Tuesday, October 1

Recommended reading: Teschl 2.2, Tenenbaum Lesson 18
PDF of notes from 2019-Oct-01

We will finally complete the basic existence/uniqueness result of Picard-Lindelof. Additionally, we will review some basics on complex numbers in preparation for the next topic, which will be 2nd-order linear ODEs.

In class midterm exam 1. Thursday, October 3

For details on the composition of the midterm, see the study guide. Note that the second problem set will be due around the midterm. This is intentional, as the pset is much shorter and has significant overlap with the midterm material. i.e. I believe that working on the problem set generally will help you do well on the midterm.

Problem set 2. Due date: Monday, October 7

This problem set is much shorter than the last one. It is intended partially as midterm 1 prep. Problem set here. Again, the LaTeX template is available.

Lecture 9. Tuesday, October 8

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lesson 19-21, 28
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Oct-08 (may contain uncorrected typos)

We will begin discussion of higher-order linear equations, and use the example of simple harmonic motion.

Lecture 10. Thursday, October 10

Special guest lecture from Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.

A structural engineer from RJC will be coming to give a presentation on their work and some of the differential equations that they use regularly. This will be a good opportunity to see real-world applications. Please welcome our speaker in class if at all possible! This will also be a good opportunity to get a sense of a more general presentation.

Lecture 11. Tuesday, October 22

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lesson 21-23
Recommended post-lecture exercises (unmarked): Exercise 21, problems 3-33, Exercise 22, problems 1-15, Exercise 23, problems 1-17
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Oct-22 (may contain uncorrected typos)

We will continue discussion of higher-order linear equations, and spend time on how to solve nonhomogeneous linear differential equations

Lecture 12. Thursday, October 24

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lesson 22-23, Teschl 3.3 (don't worry if you don't understand the matrix style proofs yet; Tenenbaum and Teschl do things in different order)
Recommend post-lecture exercises (unmarked): Exercise 23, problems 1-17
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Oct-24 (may contain uncorrected typos)

Variation of parameters and reduction of order methods

Lecture 13. Tuesday, October 29

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lesson 28-30, Teschl 3.3
Recommend post-lecture exercises (unmarked): Exercise 28D, problems 6-9, Exercise 30, problems 5-10
PDF of lecture notes from 2019-Oct-29

Detailed study of simple harmonic motion (including forcing and damping terms), as well as electrical RLC circuits.

Lecture 14. Thursday, October 31

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lesson 37
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Oct-29 (may contain uncorrected typos)

Review of power series, and discussion of using power series methods to (approximately) solve ODEs

Problem set 3. Due date: November 6

Note that due to TA preference, we will be using Crowdmark instead of Quercus for this assignment. (as an aside, you can view comments on your midterm on Crowdmark as well) If you have not received an email with instructions by Thursday, 2019-Oct-24 at 12pm, please let me know.

Lecture 15. Tuesday, November 5

Recommended reading: Tenenbaum Lessons 63-64, Teschl 3.1-3.2
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Nov-05 (may contain uncorrected typos)

Determinants, Wronskians, linear independence of functions (redux), systems of autonomous first-order ODEs, and matrix exponentials

In class midterm exam 2. Thursday, November 7

Details, practice midterm, etc. on Quercus announcements

Lecture 15. Tuesday, November 12

Recommended reading: Teschl 3.2
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Nov-12 (may contain uncorrected typos)

Systems of autonomous first-order ODEs and phase plane diagrams.

Lecture 16. Thursday, November 14

Recommended reading: Teschl 3.2
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Nov-14 (may contain uncorrected typos)

How to guess. When Ansätze go wrong.

Problem set 4. Due date: Monday, November 18

Problems here: Problem set here (4 problems). The LaTeX template is available. As with the last problem set, we will be using Crowdmark, so look out for an email from them.

Lecture 17. Tuesday, November 19

Recommended reading: Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos 6.4. Boyce & DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 2.12
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Nov-19 (may contain uncorrected typos)

Linearization of nonlinear 2D systems with phase portraits. First order difference equations.

Lecture 18. Thursday, November 21

Recommended reading: Generating functions handout
PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Nov-21 (may contain uncorrected typos)

Generating functions for difference equations.

Lecture 19. Tuesday, November 26

PDF of pre-lecture notes from 2019-Nov-26 (may contain uncorrected typos)

Review for final.

Lecture 20. Thursday, November 28

In class presentations. Volunteers requested for real audience feedback!

Problem set 5. Due date: Monday, December 02

Problems here: Problem set here (4 problems + 1 unfair super bonus). The LaTeX template is available. As with the last problem set, we will be using Crowdmark, so look out for an email from them.