Welcome to MAT1850: Linear Algebra and Optimization!


Tuesdays 12:00-13:00 and Thursdays 13:00-15:00 on Zoom
The first lecture will be on Tuesday September 8.


Office Hours and Contact Info

Yun William Yu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office Hours:
By appointment only via Zoom.

Piazza: http://piazza.com/utoronto.ca/fall2020/mat1850




Reference text and notes

The primary reference text is Linear Algebra and Optimization with Applications to Machine Learning, Volumes I and II, by Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance, also available on the web archive: Vol 1 and Vol 2. Other supplemental references will be added here as they come up, including the matrix calculus cookbook.

Lecture notes after the class will be available online via OneNote; there will also be recordings of lectures online.

Tentative chapters/topics to be covered:

Note that this is a lot of material. We will be going fairly quickly, but may not end up getting to everything (strikethrough for topics that unfortunately we did not have time for this semester).

Pre-lecture notes and video recording. (video recordings require University of Toronto accounts)


All homework should be submitted on Quercus by the due date, ideally as a PDF, though any standard format that I can easily read is fine. Problem numbering is from the primary Gallier and Quaintance textbook, both volumes (Vol.Chap.Problem).


Final examination: Friday, Dec 18, 12-2pm.
There will be an online final examination. The exam will be administered online, and it will be open-book, but it will be restricted to a 2-hour period. There will be a short 1-on-1 oral exit interview after the class.

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